About SACM

Welcome to SACM

Founded in 1981, the Singapore Association of Credit Management exists as an organisation for credit and financial executives with the following purpose and objectives:

(a) To promote the development of credit management as a profession with high professional standards

(b) To develop better credit practices and methods

(c) To foster and facilitate the exchange of credit information

(d) To promote honest and fair dealings in credit transactions

(e) To foster and encourage discussions in the field of credit

(f) To provide appropriate accreditation to credit practitioners in Singapore

When you join SACM, you become a part of a network of credit professionals grounded in the practice of good credit management. You will be able to tap on the knowledge and expertise of experienced professionals to upgrade your professional skills-set, share credit management best practices and address credit management challenges.

Through its network of credit professionals and collaboration partners, SACM can be of assistance to facilitate and add-value to your company's credit management processes. These include:

(a) Courses on credit management topics

(b) Credit management advisory services

(c) Credit evaluation model

(d) Credit information gathering services

(e) Credit insurance consultation

  Founder Members / Ex-Presidents                                                 

  Mr Philip Tan

  Mr Richard Lee

  Ms Catherine Tan

  Mr David Yap

  Mr Victor Chan

  Ms Grace Wong